CareTech operate clinical and specialist services supporting some of the most vulnerable individuals in society. Our sites tend to be specialists in specific disciplines; Mental Health, Learning Disability, Autism, and Acquired Brain Injury.
Within these services we employ a range of health and social care professionals and have opportunities for new entrants into the sector who wish to start their careers, either in Healthcare Assistant roles or for those who want to progress and develop further through CPD.
Healthcare Assistants are provided with development opportunities to gain recognised qualifications and apprenticeships that are important in delivering high quality care and also provide a platform for development through to our Grow Your Own Nurse (GYON) programmes.
CareTech’s GYON programme provides support onto nurse associates or nursing apprenticeships through a partnership with local universities.
We also employ and support a variety of clinical professionals in our services;
- Doctors
- Psychologists
- Therapists
- Clinical Managers