Technology and care coming together to help those that need it the most.

Digital Transformation – Disability and Specialist Social Care

CareTech have embarked on an ambitious programme to become a digital leader in the disability and specialist social care sector, bringing to market high impact technology service developments that extend our Care Pathways.

We are particularly focused on addressing market segments characterised by significant unmet need and/or traditional service delivery models that have digital disruption potential. In selecting where to focus we are guided by our deep expertise and insight gained since we started in business in 1993 - caring, educating and supporting individuals with disabilities and specialist social care needs.

By 2030, through digital solutions, our Mission is to cumulatively improve the quality of life and life chances for 1,000,000 children, young people and adults around the world who are experiencing disabilities and those with complex needs.

Our three verticals of focus:

  • Develop the first end-to-end digital Pathway of Services for individuals with developmental disabilities and behavioural conditions.
  • Digitise Purple services starting with the Marketplace, followed by Purple Tuesday and core services.
  • Commercalise Group propriety technology as B2B solutions.

Vertical 1 – Communication and Cognition Pathway

Our objective is to develop the first end-to-end digital pathway of services for individuals with developmental disabilities and behavioural conditions.

  • Screening and Diagnostics
    Screening and Clinical decision-making tools for developmental and acquired disabilities.
  • Mental Health and Well-being
    Delivering MH Health / therapeutic interventions using technology.
  • Smart Toys and Assistive Technology
    Educational, Therapeutic, Social – Developmental disabilities and special needs
  • AAC
    Augmentative and assistive technology providing a voice and greater independence for individuals.

Vertical 2 – Digitising Purple

To transform the digital accessibility environment for disabled people and businesses.

Marketplace – Accessible marketplace for disabled online customers and other conscious customers across the globe.

Purple Tuesday – Marketing campaign and webinar training resources for staff in organizations. A training and development product.

Direct Payment Market - Payroll and invoice service for disabled people integrating into CareTech wide services

Service for Businesses – PACT, Digital, Training and Development

Vertical 3 – Group Proprietary Technology

CareTech have developed state of the art and market-leading solutions which we feel has the potential to scale and support other businesses and sectors.

These include our Dynamic Risk Assessment (DRA) – daily monitoring of pandemic and emergency related metrics and the Dynamic Line of Sight – daily monitoring of all business operational non-financial metrics.